The main questions to ask an endovascular interventional radiology Phoenix specialist about growing old should be related to how veins change with age. The first question should be about varicose vein risk. Varicose veins are the bulging ones that become increasingly visible with age. An increase in pressure in the veins leads to the development of varicose veins over time. They can also be aggravated by underlying conditions such as multiple pregnancies and rapid weight gain.

            The second question should be about the principal risks of PAD, which result from atherosclerosis when plaque builds up in the arteries, thus reducing blood flow. The risks of developing PAD are usually increased by high cholesterol, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, family history of PAD, and passing the fifty-year mark.

            The third question should be about the main PAD symptoms. It is essential to be able to identify most of them correctly. The ones that are easier to detect include muscle pain, heaviness when walking, leg cramps, hair loss, leg ulcers, cold feet, and numbness in the legs.

            The fourth most important question is about CVI (chronic venuous insufficiency) and its symptoms. CVI is caused by the valves of leg veins starting to malfunction. Furthermore, the main symptoms include changes in skin color, sore and restless legs, blood clots (leading to deep vein thrombosis), and leg edema. Like PAD and varicose veins, CVI develops over time and can be seen quite often in elderly patients.