PAE (prostatic artery embolization) is generally safe and highly effective. Its high success rate is over 90%. It is a well-tolerated procedure with minor recovery symptoms such as low-grade fever. However, in some cases, the post-PAE syndrome can also include nausea, painful urination, vomiting, pelvic pain, infection of the prostate, hematoma, bladder spasm, and blood in the urine.

Moreover, PAE is not always safe because it entails certain risks, such as blocking the wrong blood vessels. However, in most cases, the benefits outweigh the risks. The procedure can be safely repeated, and it can result in a 32% reduction in prostate volume.

In addition, the typical duration of a prostate artery embolization is only two hours, and recovery lasts just a few days. Plus, the procedure does not affect sexual performance because it has no adverse impact on erectile function.

The primary candidates for prostatic artery embolization near me are patients who cannot control BPH with medication and those who prefer minimally invasive treatments instead of traditional surgical procedures.

What mainly contraindicates a PAE is suffering with/from atherosclerosis or malignant tumors of the prostate. Furthermore, PAE cannot be recommended to patients who are allergic to contrast dye, suffer from an active urinary tract infection, and have kidney disease or a history of bleeding disorders.